Curriculum for the 2024/2025 Season
Dear Dancers, Parents, and Community,
We are thrilled to share exciting developments and events for the upcoming season that will mark a new era at ECB.
As always, our commitment to grow and evolve is our utmost priority for our students; this means to provide them with exceptional ballet education and the most accurate and up to date teaching worldwide.
We are introducing our new curriculum, which will be implemented starting in the coming season. This is going to mark ECB as the best pre-professional ballet school in the area. Additionally, ECB is the only school in the state of Washington to be recognized with certificates of endorsment by “Unesco’s International Counsel of Dance.” This is an international recognition for the educational work that we do, and for the dancers we produce in the ballet world.
From “Creative Movement” to “Pre-Professional PD I and PD II,” ECB will be the school of excellence that we all dream. Class structures will be changing as we incorporate “Pre-Ballet“ for our younger dancers, and additional education and training such as Spanish Dance, French, Art History, Anatomy, Pas De Deux, Classical Repertoire, Music, and Choregraphic Composition for the upper levels. This will bring us to be among the greatest ballet schools in Amercia, such as PNB, ABT, SAB and others of that caliber.
Whoever wants to have their training in an institution to become a professional dancer, that is possible at ECB.
Our 30 years of legacy precedes us and as we enter a new era, we invite you to be part of it.
Always in pursuit of excellence,
Maximiliano Guerra
Artistic Director